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Hah, finally I made it to this step. This is the starting where I willingly write crappy things on the net. (Except for my earlier 2 articles, I like to produce something that can help people) To post a blog is not an easy task for me. Really it is. I hate writing essays and share my thoughts with a bunch of strangers LIKE YOU :p.
But it is the time to change. Recently I made a few ‘skodeng’ actions into other peoples’ blogs. I can see that their languages are getting better from their first entries to the latest. It made me realize that blogging can help me to improve my English since I’m going to pursue Foundation in TESL starting tomorrow.
I’ve been posted to UiTM Melaka for a couple of semester. Quite ok la coz it just took 30 minutes drive from my home. (Compared to MCKK which is more than 5 hours. mencanak weyy!!)
So that’s all for my turning point. My next entry should be the story about Minggu Mesra Siswa. =)